What is artificial intelligence and why do we need it?

Artificial Intelligence or AI is intelligence displayed by machines that can be incorporated in a physical machine, such as a robot, or in virtual machine, such as a program.
Interest in AI boomed in the first decade of the 21st century and is beginning to reshape our world. AI-powered tools now help scale the efforts of sales teams by gathering useful patterns from data, finding successful courses of action, and addressing customer needs.Despite some researchers’ consideration that AI is a threat to humanity, a large number of people believe that AI may positively change the picture of the world and ease our life routine.
Turing test is one of the influential and widely criticized tests that checks a machine’s intelligence. The concept of the test is to ask two participants a series of questions, trying to determine which one is the human and which one is the machine. If, by the end of the test, it’s still unclear who is who, then the computer passed the test and was able to imitate human behavior long enough to convince an unbiased third party that it’s human.
Why do we need Artificial Intelligence?
The general benefit of artificial intelligence is that it replicates decisions and actions of humans without human shortcomings, such as fatigue, emotion and limited time. AI can also free people from repetitive tasks that can be easily done by machines. There are several examples and applications of artificial intelligence in use today: voice-controlled individual partners, robots, behavioral calculations, suggestive searches, autonomously-powered self-driving vehicles, virtual assistants, etc.
Time will tell whether artificial intelligence will leave a positive impact or lead to the destruction of humanity.

I hope my answer was helpful.


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