Does Tor browser make us truly anonymous?

I have already posted about DEEP WEB. click here.
Now i'm here to give you the detailed information about  TOR BROWSER.
Tor is a network designed to provide anonymity services. The Tor Browser Bundle (TBB) is a software bundle that contains a Tor client, a graphical interface, and a web browser that has been configured to use Tor for all traffic.

Anonymity is a "negative property," meaning that it is defined by the absence of some other property. Anonymity is the opposite of identity. Tor provides network anonymity by hiding certain elements that can identify a user or network node:
  • Network (IP) address
  • TCP/IP stack quirks

There are obviously lots of other pieces of information that can identify a person using the Internet. Some of these are hidden by the Tor Browser Bundle:
  • Browser quirks (all TBB requests resemble each other)
  • Web browsing history (revealed by some other browsers)
  • Non-web IP traffic (TBB restricts this as much as possible, and directs DNS requests through Tor)

Other pieces of information are impossible for a browser or software to prevent a person from divulging. This is why procedural controls (behaviors) are important when trying to stay anonymous. Some examples are:
  • Usernames
  • real names
  • language or other cultural characteristics
  • location or other identifying information posted voluntarily

Finally, as revealed in the recent Tor Browser bug that was used to unmask some Tor users in August 2013, software vulnerabilities can lead to adversarial control of your computer. This will almost always reveal identifying information, whether as simple as browsing habits or as complete as real network address, real name, or physical location.

When considering all these elements of anonymity, it is clear that only a strict combination of technical and procedural controls can keep one's activity online truly anonymous. It is also worth pointing out that there are many online activities that only make sense with some aspect of identity. Often, what is desired is really pseudonymity, or using an assumed name or identity. Here are some ideas for staying truly anonymous using Tor:
  • Ensure there are no network leaks. The Tor proxy should be the only way out of your network.
  • Keep all your software up-to-date.
  • Frequently re-image or restore your anonymous OS to a known-good state
  • Don't use the same identity within Tor as without it.
  • Reduce your exposure. Keep traffic to a minimum.
  • Brainstorm an exhaustive list of identifying information and find ways to specifically prevent leaking each one. e.g. daily schedule, time zone, language.


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